The idea behind outdoor kitchens is to transform the simple backyard cookout into something more befitting the master chef and his distinguished guests. Camp-style cooking at your own home is a thing of the past. Why rough it? This is your house.

It has become an immensely popular trend to build on to the value of the home by building on an outdoor kitchen. One might wonder why outdoor kitchens have not been standard issue before now, but with the development of quality direct-to-home deliverable outdoor kitchen appliances the cost of building and maintaining an outdoor kitchen has never been more doable.

If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right. Say goodbye to the stand-alone burger-flipper. This ain t McDonalds, and you ain t at on the clock. An outdoor kitchen is the long overdue augmentation to a hu(man s) home and a hu(man s) home is his or her castle. It turns a courtyard into a ballroom, and permanently increases a home s worth.


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